Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Dog Training For Aggressive Behavior A Through Z

If you are looking for a good relationship with your dog it is going to require some commitment on your part and being familiar with dog training basics. Getting started early with training for aggressive dogs will prevent future problems and potential attacks.

Here is my basic dog training basics guide A-Z:

A: Authority - You have to establish authority and be in control. Know that dogs by nature are pack animals and have pack instinct. Don't let your dog become the alpha of the house.

B: Behavioral Experts - These experts should always be consulted with before you start training for aggressive dogs. They can tell you more specifics about the breed and pinpoint the exact problem to target. They are also good at suggesting methods for how to treat aggressive dog behavior.

C: Caution - Be very cautious when your dog is starting to show signs of aggression. Be smart and don't let him out in front of people and keep him muzzled until he is secure with his surroundings.

D: Dominance - This is the main reason for aggressive dog behavior. You must establish yourself as pack leader and the dog must learn that he is lower in the pack. A good way on how to treat aggressive dog behavior is to take control of things like his food, when he eats or when he gets to play.

E: Electric Shock Collar - I don't personally like them, but they can be used in a situation when dog training for aggressive behavior needs an extra hand in stopping the dog from resistance.

F: Fear - This is the other main reason on why dogs become aggressive. If an animal can't run away from an anxious situation, they will resort to fighting instead of flight.

G: Growling - This is one of the early signs of aggression in dogs. Consider dog training for aggressive behavior right away.

H: House Dog - Out of all the incidents involving dog bites every year, house dogs are the culprits in a majority of them.

I: Introduce - One of the best ways of how to help an aggressive dog is to get rid of their fear by socialization with people and animals. After you do this they will start to realize that other things are not a threat.

J: Jumping - Don't ever let your dog jump on people and do not encourage this behavior. This especially goes for children who can get really hurt by big dogs.

K: Kids - Most dog attack victims every year are kids. Because dogs have a predatory instinct, they will naturally go after the weak and helpless.

L: Leash - Always keep your dog on a leash when training for aggressive dogs. This way you will be in control.

M: Muzzle - A muzzle is helpful for taking your not yet trained dog out in public to get socialized without biting.

N: No! - Always use a very firm "No!" command when trying to get your dog to stop an unfavorable action.

O: Obedience Training - You should always start obedience training early on to stop puppies from growing into aggressive dogs.

P: Praise - Don't forget to praise your puppy when he does something good. Dogs want to please us and they will do so as long as you are ok with it.

Q: Questions - Always ask questions about training for aggressive dogs if you are not sure.

R: Reprimand - When your dog starts to misbehave, reprimand him with a firm "No!" command, but don't hit or scream.

S: Spay Or Neuter - Doing this will cut back on aggression because the dog will become less territorial and dominant.

T: Training - Training aggressive dogs should always be done with consistence and commitment.

U: Understand - You need to understand your dogs behavior so you can take the right course of action for the aggression.

V: Vaccination - Avoid your dog becoming a threat to animals and people by vaccinating against rabies in case of a biting attack

W: Wrestling - Don't do it! This only encourages dominance and aggression in dogs. This should not be part of their playtime.

Just remember to keep this list handy and dog training for aggressive behavior will be a walk in the park.

Click here to get 6 great methods and learn how to treat aggressive dog behavior - for FREE!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

3 Excellent Ways To Instantly Treat Aggressive Dog Behavior Right Now

The reason why dogs bite is because of their natural instinct to an outside threat. Aggression which usually leads up to an attack is driven by the dogs instinct for dominance and defending his home or pack. These dogs that feel anxious will go into a fight or flight mode. If they are overly aggressive dogs and not capable of fleeing, they will resolve the conflict with fighting and most likely biting as a means of defense. Dog training for aggressive behavior is necessary to prevent these deadly attacks that could put your family and friends in harms way.

When we are training aggressive dogs, we are really just controlling their natural canine instincts. We need to learn how to get our dogs out of any situation that would produce fear, anxiety and pain. Hitting a dog is a no-no when training and you need to find the right method for how to treat aggressive dog behavior. The best way to do this usually is to work with the dogs psychological wants and needs to turn them into lovable, cute little doggies.

Here are three things you can start doing right now to control your dogs behavior:

1. Start to assume the leadership in the pack. You need to teach your dog to respect you and give him a sense of security. Being a leader of the pack, you are responsible for defending your dog from threats. If your dog does not see you as strong alpha, he will try to take leadership by being aggressive towards you and show negative behaviors to try and defend himself from perceived threats.

2. The earlier the better it is to start dog training. For aggressive dog behaviors like biting, you need to show your puppy that it is not a good thing and you have to make a distracting sound or noise to teach him. Try filling up a jar with change and shaking it real fast. You want to get them to chew on something instead of biting and praise them for chewing on the toy or bone.

3. In addition to training for aggressive dogs, you should make it a priority to neuter or spade your dog. When you do this it reduces the territorial instinct in your canine and essentially gets rid of the chance of attack.

When you know and practice the right training for aggressive dogs it greatly reduces the risk of biting incident and confrontations with other animals. It is vital that you start training your dog at the earliest and slightest sign of aggression.

Do you want to learn more about how to treat aggressive dog behavior? Click here to get 6 more great methods and learn how to treat aggressive dog behavior for free.

Friday, November 30, 2007

What Obediance Training For Aggressive Dogs Will Do For Your Aggressive Dog And You

As dogs are becoming more and more a very common household pet it is important to remember the neccesity of obedience training. These animals are our companions year round and some people look at dogs as their children, and somtimes spoil them even more than thier own child. If you dog is starting to act out signs of aggression like showing teeth, snarling or constant barking, it may be a sign that you are in desparate need of training for aggressive dogs.

If you are concerned about your little puppy growing up with manners, then you have to get started with dog training for aggressive behaviors very early on so you can avoid further problems when the dog gets older. It's also good for the dog because once they are trained they will be much happier due to the fact that they will get to spend more time with people and get to be more social which untrained dogs can't do. If you really want to know how to help an aggressive dog, then training is definitely the best way to help him be mauch happier in his and your life.

If you have an aggressive dog around your house it can be very dangerous. Dogs that are aggressive are capable of attacking anybody and children are the most vunerable victims and more likely to be attacked becuase the animal can sense the weakness. They will usually attack without warning or without being provoked. It is estimated that dogs bite around 4.7 million people every year. Some of these people are even killed.

Dogs that show this sign of aggression are obviously not tarined very well. Any dog that is taken care of and socialized will never be a threat or attack anyone. The best way of how to help an aggressive dog become more secure is to make sure you socialize and make him feel comfortable around people. One of the reasons that trained dogs are good around people and animals is that they are used to changes and they never feel anxious or threatened at any time.

You need to learn how to help an aggressive dog. Learn more about training for aggressive dogs and techniques that are proven to help reduce anxiety and make dogs comfortable in any situation. Click here to get 6 great methods and learn how to treat aggressive dog behavior for free.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Learning When The Time Is Right For Rewarding Good Behavior In Aggressive Dogs

You have to get to the point where your dog knows how to obey commands. Do not just satisfy him at his will and never let your dog show any dominance over you at any time. Never allow your dog to walk in front of you and stay on the bed. Always make sure that he is at a position below you and does not finish eating until you do.

It is also very important that you praise your dog when he demonstrates good behavior. This is one of the best techniques for training aggressive dogs which are very content with pleasing you. After awhile your dog will be happy to please you and he will follow your every command as long as he thinks that you are ok with it.

If you first attempt at training aggressive dogs seems to get you nowhere, always remember that it usually takes a long time and patience to make your aggressive puppy into a playful happy dog. Just a little effort and love for your dog will show the most positive results all of the time.

Learn more about proper praise and reward methods and you will be well on your way to taming your dog's aggressive behavior. Click here to learn how to treat aggressive dog behavior.

How To Help An Aggressive Dog

If you already know that your dog is aggressive you have to take responsibility as a good dog owner and take the right precautions. When you start training for aggressive dogs that are considered vicious and dangerous you have to keep it out of the public unless you are in the presence of a professional dog trainer. You always have to keep your dog out of any situations that may increase anxiety in the animal and make a bad situation even worse.

Some of the best ways on how to help an aggressive dog get rid of aggression is to make sure that you socialize them with people and other dogs. If you decide to try this technique you must make sure that you muzzle your dog until you feel that your dog is not feeling anxious anymore and relaxed around people and other animals.

You have to spay or neuter your dog. Training for aggressive behavior in dogs that have been spayed or neutered is much easier because dogs that are not are going to show more aggressive behavior.

The absolute worse thing that you can do is punishment with your first attempt on how to treat aggressive dog behavior. Whenever your dog shows aggression do not punish him by hitting or putting them in an isolated environment. Doing this will result in increased aggression because the animal will become more fearful and anxious which can lead to a sudden attack.

Another thing that you should avoid is letting your dog get used to aggressive behavior. Doing this will result in how to help an aggressive dog become even more aggressive and dangerous. Also avoid any type of aggressive games like tug-of-war and wrestling which is letting your dog have the impression that they are dominant over you.

If you would like to learn more information about how to help an aggressive dog then click here for training for aggressive dogs and learn professional dog training techniques and methods.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Getting Started With Training For Aggressive Dogs

The start of an aggressive dog is linked to a aggressive puppy. Mistakes that dog owners make is associating aggressive action with playful puppy behavior. Sometimes it is too late for people to realize that they have made a horrible mistake and have to learn the proper training for aggressive dogs.

Out of all of the different types of training their are some methods which are highly effective, but some of them can actually make the aggression in your dog worse. When you know what not to do in dog training for aggressive behavior, it can almost guarantee that you will have a harmonious relationship for life between you and your dog.

Before you start training for aggressive dogs you must first consult with an experienced professional who can tell you about your dog's behavior. Most of the time it is your dog's environment that contributes to aggressive behavior but there also could be a medical condition that causes the aggression. A good animal behavior expert or vet can tell you the right method for how to treat aggressive dog behaviors.

Stop aggressive behavior before it starts in your dog. Click here for training for aggressive dogs and learn the right way to train your pet from the start.