Thursday, November 15, 2007

How To Help An Aggressive Dog

If you already know that your dog is aggressive you have to take responsibility as a good dog owner and take the right precautions. When you start training for aggressive dogs that are considered vicious and dangerous you have to keep it out of the public unless you are in the presence of a professional dog trainer. You always have to keep your dog out of any situations that may increase anxiety in the animal and make a bad situation even worse.

Some of the best ways on how to help an aggressive dog get rid of aggression is to make sure that you socialize them with people and other dogs. If you decide to try this technique you must make sure that you muzzle your dog until you feel that your dog is not feeling anxious anymore and relaxed around people and other animals.

You have to spay or neuter your dog. Training for aggressive behavior in dogs that have been spayed or neutered is much easier because dogs that are not are going to show more aggressive behavior.

The absolute worse thing that you can do is punishment with your first attempt on how to treat aggressive dog behavior. Whenever your dog shows aggression do not punish him by hitting or putting them in an isolated environment. Doing this will result in increased aggression because the animal will become more fearful and anxious which can lead to a sudden attack.

Another thing that you should avoid is letting your dog get used to aggressive behavior. Doing this will result in how to help an aggressive dog become even more aggressive and dangerous. Also avoid any type of aggressive games like tug-of-war and wrestling which is letting your dog have the impression that they are dominant over you.

If you would like to learn more information about how to help an aggressive dog then click here for training for aggressive dogs and learn professional dog training techniques and methods.

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